The ever thoughtful Jason very kindly tagged me as a thinking blogger (thanks Jason!) as part of an ongoing meme. Clever this one because of course it plays to our innate vanity.
Participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote
And here for your reading pleasure are 5 blogs that always get me thinking:
Mark Earls - the 'Hermeister' quite simply breathtaking in the intellectual ground he covers. He recently claimed to feel like he was riding the front of the train wind in his hair seeing things no-one else had seen. He may well be right.
David Armano - VP, Experience Design for Critial Mass and before that and Digitas. Beautiful layouts, clear thinking, just a superb human view of everything wired. Truly inspiring.
Faris - potentially a genius rather than a thief. Exceptional, irreverent, full of clever analysis and big thinking - and a thoroughly nice chap too. Not sure if he still works for Naked. :-)
Gavin Heaton - what can you say about this chap and his blog - awesome, just full of stimulating thought provoking and interesting thinking. He writes beautifully and is absolutely one of my favourites. I have never met Gavin but I feel I know him. You must read this one.
Marcus Brown - The Kaiser. I am new to his blog and have been following him on Twitter. I have just realised I want my blog to look like his. I am totally gobsmacked. This has to be one of the best out there right now. Bloody genius.
Enjoy the links if you don't already know them. In the meantime I really need to clean this site up - its looking rubbish...